8 research outputs found

    Sociosynergistic Management of the Companies. Economic, Energetic and Ecologic Challenge

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    Sociosynergistic management is inevitable condition of nanotechnology tendency of value-creating process of the companies in incoming third level of social division of labor. This management is being a product of transdisciplinary nanocognition and nano-projection of the systems there through creates for the management the operation base for system solution of economic effectiveness, energetic friendliness and ecologic safety of material-technological processes of the companies. He uncovers the sociosynergetics as a system entirety in the limits of abstract thinking, notion-categorical communication and knowingly-practical acting of the subject

    Sociosynergetics in nano-technologic development of material and productive engineering

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    Náčrt sociosynergického chápania sveta a človeka

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    W artykule ukazano podstawy nowego paradygmatu społeczno-synergicznego pojmowania człowieka i jego świata. W opracowaniu uwzględniono nowe espistemologiczne i metodologiczne podejście, w którym ludzki świat postrzegany jest systemowo. Występują w nim pewne połączenia pomiędzy światem człowieka oraz człowiekiem. W opracowaniu ukazano synergiczny model rozwoju ludzkiej umysłowości prowadzącej od haosu do cywilizacji. Zaproponowany w artykule epistemologiczno-metodologiczny model ma charakter holistyczny i pozwala znacznie dogłębniej zrozumieć człowieka i rozwój jego cywilizacji. Stanowi on również nową propozycję dla rozwoju wspóczesnej nauki, która winna mieć charakter holistyczny (systemowy). Powinna ona również uwzględniać perspektywę tworzenia uniwersalnych, humanistycznych wartości i założeń filozoficznych. Człowiek postrzegany jest w tym modelu badawczym synergicznie jako efekt biosynergicznych i społeczno-synergicznych procesów zachodzących pod wpływem warunków planety Ziemia. W takiej perspektywie człowiek i jego wewnętrzna integralność uzależniona jest od funkcji trzech pilotów jego organizmu – biopilota (autopilota), psychopilota i socjopilotaThe study contains the most basic connections of sociosynergical gnoseological and methodological view of a human being in the world, world in a man and world, which surrounds him. Sociosynergical gnoseology presents universal know how of civilization. Structuralization of world to synergical, biosynergical and sociosynergical dimension of live – dimensional space in time is terminal of six – millenary revolution in gnoseology. Sociosynergical gnoseological and methodical way of forming universal value and ideological orientation forms assumption of exodus from Chaos of social world of human being. It is a model of forming of entire sociosynergical science, of which social totals are presented by synergy, biosynergy, sociosynergy. Within the ambit of theses partial totals of science, author presents opportunities of sociosynergical methodical profilation of content and structure of certain science disciplines, which exist for now in structure of civilizations science research. A human being is in this study as a form of sociosynergy presentations in senergical and biosynergical conditions of the Earth. Its internal unity is encompassed by prism of three pilot function conjunction of human’s organism – biopilot [autopilot], psychopilot and sociopilo

    Zarys społeczno-synergicznego rozumienia świata i człowieka

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    The study contains the most basic connections of sociosynergical gnoseological and methodological view of a human being in the world, world in a man and world, which surrounds him. Sociosynergical gnoseology presents universal know how of civilization. Structuralization of world to synergical, biosynergical and sociosynergical dimension of live – dimensional space in time is terminal of six – millenary revolution in gnoseology. Sociosynergical gnoseological and methodical way of forming universal value and ideological orientation forms assumption of exodus from Chaos of social world of human being. It is a model of forming of entire sociosynergical science, of which social totals are presented by synergy, biosynergy, sociosynergy. Within the ambit of theses partial totals of science, author presents opportunities of sociosynergical methodical profilation of content and structure of certain science disciplines, which exist for now in structure of civilizations science research. A human being is in this study as a form of sociosynergy presentations in senergical and biosynergical conditions of the Earth. Its internal unity is encompassed by prism of three pilot function conjunction of human’s organism – biopilot [autopilot], psychopilot and sociopilot.W artykule ukazano podstawy nowego paradygmatu społeczno-synergicznego pojmowania człowieka i jego świata. W opracowaniu uwzględniono nowe espistemologiczne i metodologiczne podejście, w którym ludzki świat postrzegany jest systemowo. Występują w nim pewne połączenia pomiędzy światem człowieka oraz człowiekiem. W opracowaniu ukazano synergiczny model rozwoju ludzkiej umysłowości prowadzącej od haosu do cywilizacji. Zaproponowany w artykule epistemologiczno-metodologiczny model ma charakter holistyczny i pozwala znacznie dogłębniej zrozumieć człowieka i rozwój jego cywilizacji. Stanowi on również nową propozycję dla rozwoju współczesnej nauki, która winna mieć charakter holistyczny (systemowy). Powinna ona również uwzględniać perspektywę tworzenia uniwersalnych, humanistycznych wartości i założeń filozoficznych. Człowiek postrzegany jest w tym modelu badawczym synergicznie jako efekt biosynergicznych i społeczno-synergicznych procesów zachodzących pod wpływem warunków planety Ziemia. W takiej perspektywie człowiek i jego wewnętrzna integralność uzależniona jest od funkcji trzech pilotów jego organizmu – biopilota (autopilota), psychopilota i socjopilota

    Coefficient of explosion of grape oil repas in respect of variety, content of humidity and surface

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    Knowing the coefficient of friction of bio material is important in determining the angle of the grain elevator elevator when designing combines, as well as the angles of gravity tables and pipes in seed finishing. The basic characteristic of biological materials, or seeds of agricultural crops, is that they differ in their physical and morphological characteristics. Therefore, the friction depends on: the types of plants, variety, shape, dimensions and seed content, the humidity of the seed, the intensity of the normal force on the substrate and the roughness of the substrate. The paper presents the results of the study of the influence of individual factors (varieties, water content of the grain and the type of substrate) and their interactions on the grain friction coefficient. The domestic varieties that are grown in Serbia are selected for testing the fruiting grain fruity: Banadanka, Jasna and Slavica. The experimental measurement of the static coefficient of grain slip friction was done using the level of the mechanical device Tribometr. Plastic, plywood, galvanized, steel, aluminum and stainless steel sheet are made for the experiment purposes. Research was carried out with different water content in grains: 6%, 11%, 16% and 24%. The variety Banadanka had a lower friction coefficient compared to Jasna and Slavica varieties on all substrates and with all the water content of the grain. It was found that with the increase of water content in the grain, a significant increase in the friction coefficient of the grains of the tested varieties on all substrates was achieved. The highest friction coefficient for all water content of the grains of the tested varieties was on the base of the plywood board, and the smallest on the base of stainless steel sheet.16th International Conference on Tribology - SERBIATRIB ‘1

    Physical properties of oil rapeseed kernels at different moisture content and varietes

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    The physical properties of the three common cultivars were evaluated as a function of seed moisture content, which varied from 6.04 - 21.17%, from 5.82 - 20.90% and from 5.98 - 20.46% in 'Banacanka', 'Jasna' and 'Slavica', respectively. Results of thousand-seed weight increased from 4.18 g to 4.94 g in 'Banacanka', from 4.74 g to 5.61 g in 'Jasna', and from 4.11 to 4.81 g in 'Slavica'. The seed volume of 'Jasna' ranged between 4.72 mm(3) and 5.49 mm(3), and it was significantly higher than that of 'Banacanka' and 'Slavica' (4.07 - 4.93 mm(3) and 4.12 - 4.81 mm(3), respectively). The bulk density of 'Jasna' seeds was significantly lower than in other cultivars. Depending on seed moisture content, seed density decreased from 1023.18 kgm(-3) to 996.97 kgm(-3) in 'Banacanka', from 1009.31 to 992.70 kgm(-3) in 'Jasna', and from 1012.96-992 kgm(-3) in 'Slavica'. Porosity increased with increasing seed moisture content in all cultivars. The porosity of 'Jasna' seeds (35.97-38.43%) was higher than that of 'Banacanka' (35.42-38.23%) and 'Slavica' (35.19-37.07%) seeds. At different seed moisture levels, bulk density varied from 665.82 to 615.84 kgm(-3) in 'Banacanka', from 646.24 to 611.22 kgm(-3) in 'Jasna', and from 656.57 to 624.66 kgm(-3) in 'Slavica'. The static angle of repose in 'Banacanka', 'Jasna' and 'Slavica' ranged from 22.96 degrees to 28.05 degrees, from 24.64 degrees to 29.66 degrees and from 24.63 degrees to 29.61 degrees at moisture contents increasing. The dynamic angle of repose was highest in 'Jasna' (20.32-25.90 degrees), followed by 'Slavica' (21.03-25.58 degrees), and lowest in 'Banacanka' (19.22-24.66 degrees). Increasing seed moisture content was found to increase the friction coefficient. The static friction coefficient of cvs. 'Jasna' and 'Slavica' was higher than for 'Banacanka'